Great Tools From SAFE
Great Tools From SAFE

"Need for (Mental) Speed"

Flying Faster Planes In Busy Airspace!

Metal Speed

"Accident Antidote Webinar!"

Extend Your "Comfort Zone"

Antidote to Loss of Control

"Full Control Maneuvering"

Antidote for Loss of Control Inflight

Integrated Energy Management

"Integrated" Energy Management


Integrated Energy Management

Real Solo Builds "Command Authority!"

Why are "captains" hard to find?

Real Solo

FREE SAFE Webinar!

SAFE Webinar

Take-Off/Turn-Out: "Killing Zone!"

Killing Zone

Yeah Doug & DPEs Failing!

Rigorous Testing Inspires Better Training!

DPE Fail

Industrialized Flight Training

The Myth of the "Standard Learner"



SAFE Dinner!Thurs. 25th, @5 PM

Classy Dinner

Savvy Slip/Skid

And "Cross-Coordination!" (What's That?)



Great ACS Changes - Better Testing!


Slang/RNAV/Name Match!

Changing (and Timeless) Issues in Aviation

Learn Faster/Better

Learn/Perform Better!

All Learning/Doing Is "Brain Power"

Learn Faster/Better

SAFE Strategies

FAA Mandates From Congress

(What "Reauthorization" Means to *YOU!*)
Basic Med for DPEs, "non-Expiring" CFI Cert"

Teachability Index

Teachability Index!

(Desire to Learn x Willingness to Change)

Teachability Index

Proficiency/Humility For Safety!

Humility as Safety Tool

Real Solo Is Essential!

PDPIC Kills Confidence and Command Authority!

PDPIC Kills Confidence

Beginner's Mind!

Safer, Flying with Awareness and Flexiblity;
The Secret Tool For Faster Learning

Beginner's Mind

Power Of The (CFI) Pen

The CFI is the primary "influencer" in aviation

Power Of The (CFI) Pen

Fear Poisons Learning

Create a safe "Learning Zone" for effective education

Fear POisons Learning!

MOSAIC: HUGE for Sport!

Complex/Retract/250 Knots! (Sport = no med. & 20 hours total)

Teach Synoptic Weather

Learning/Teaching Synoptic Weather!

Be Strategic (not "mouse in a maze!")

Teach Synoptic Weather

Value of Real "Experience!"

You Can Buy Flight Training, But not "Experience!"



Hand-Fly Your IFR!

Don't Lose Your Touch!

Learn/Maintain Hand-Flying Skills!

Too Much, Too Soon!

Rushed Instruction *Slows* Learning -

Garmin Green Needle Gotcha

Fix GPS Confusion!

Historic "GPS Gotcha" Solved!

Garmin Green Needle Gotcha

Pilot "Hopium"

Weird "Magical Thinking" Leads to Accidents!

First 100 hours as a CFI

"My First 100 Hrs as a CFI"

New CFI- "License To Learn"

First 100 hours as a CFI

"Correct Solo Limitations"

Create Safer Lifetime Risk Managers

Create Better Risk Managers

The "Protégé Effect" For Learning

Faster Learning, Better Oral Evals.

Disable Garmin ESP For Safety!

Reflective Logbook

Analyze and Redirect After Every Flight!

Disable Garmin ESP For Safety!

Garmin ESP™

Disable For Safe Maneuvering!

Disable Garmin ESP For Safety!

Creative IFR 🫣

Visual & Contact Approaches (Managing Risk)

COntact and Visual Approaches

Proper Motivation!

More Than "Money and Adventure!"

Proper Motivation!

IFR Alternate Requirements

A *Huge* Weak Area on Flight Tests!

IFR Alternates!

1/5th Flight Candidates "Unqualified!"

Poor preparation (experience/endorsements) = "No Test!"
We are wasting flight test opportunities.
Install the SAFE Toolkit App!

SAFE Started PPC!

New "CFI Guidance!"

Updating 100-Year-Old "Laws!"

Landing LOC

Understanding E/G Airspace!

Where VFR and IFR Mix: Knowledge is Critical!

Landing LOC

SAFE on Instagram!

Please "Follow" Us and Spread Safety!


"Growth Mindset"

"Lifetime Learning Cures Burnout"

Growth Mindset

"SAFEblog: CFI Bullying"

"Recent Fatal: Dictator in the Right Seat"

CFI Bullying

"CFI Mentoring"

"CFI Mentoring and SAFE STEM Grants"

Mentor Connector

New Pilots: "Hothouse Flowers"

"Protected Pilots" End Up Weak: "Hardening!"

Richard's Last Lesson

Reverse Sensing (FREE)

Richard's Last Lesson

Why Engines Fail (FREE)

Richard's Last Lesson

Master Chandelles For Safety

"Cross-Coordination" Is a Required Safety Skill

180 Power-Off

Train Wind & Weather!

These are avoided in flight training but the #1 casues of accidents!

180 Power-Off
Extraordinary Pilots

Try Tailwheel Flying!

Fun *AND* Educational!

180 Power-Off

5 Steps = CFI-PRO™

Pathway to Professional CFI!

180 Power-Off

Four Landing Pages!

FREE Resources for Pilots/CFIs

Energy Management CFI Pro

Energy Management CFI Pro

"180 Power-Off"

Mastering Accuracy Landings

180 Power-Off

Join SAFE and SAVE!"
Amazing 1/3 OFF ForeFlight!


Easy "Pilot Math!"

Save Immediately!
(Even if you Just Renewed!)

SAFE webpage