IFR Resources Safety from SAFE!

IFR Safety Archive

In IFR, Knowledge = Safety!

Fix GPS Confusion!

Historic "GPS Gotcha" Solved!

Garmin Green Needle Gotcha

Hand-Fly Your IFR!

Don't Lose Your Touch!

Learn/Maintain Hand-Flying Skills!

IFR Intensive
IFR Intensive
IFR Intensive

IFR Alternate Requirements

A *Huge* Weak Area on Flight Tests!

IFR Alternates!

Why Never "As Filed"

Intricacies of ATC Routing System

IFR Intensive

IFR Course Reversals!

Stay Sharp for IFR Safety!

IFR Intensive

IFR Overlay Approaches!

IFR Knowlege = Safety!

IFR Intensive

"IFR Knowledge Focus!"

Knowledge = Safety

IFR CkRide Ready!

Clueless is Dangerous

Clueless is Dangerous

Circle To Land😳

Obvious Risks: Handle With Care"

Code Yellow!

IFR Tools

Get Sharp on IFR Changes!

New FAA A/C: FlightPath

Amazing 1/3 OFF ForeFlight!


Easy "Pilot Math!"

Save Immediately!
(Even if you Just Renewed!)

SAFE webpage