The "Missing Manual: For New CFIs"

Immediate CFI Improvement Here! 

This trademarked program, reduced the accident rate by 60% in just two years when deployed by the FAA in a sample population.

New CFI Survival Guide

New CFI Survival Guide

Initial CFI training can only do so much. This program supplies the "Missing Manual" of on-the-job techniques from Master Instructors. These skills and techniques, developed over many years, turbocharge your educational effectiveness and safety. Get in touch for a local presentation: David's e-mail

"My First 100 Hrs as a CFI"

New CFI- "License To Learn"

First 100 hours as a CFI

First 100 hours as a CFIFirst 100 hours as a CFI

First 100 hours as a CFI

Soon Combined Into
"The CFI Survival Guide"

Start Honest; “Engagement Letter!”

“The Learning Zone;” No Excuses, No Embarrassment!

Lesson One: Perfect Picture

Conquer The Driving Habit (We All Have)!

"Change/Check" For Precise Control

Recurring Flight Training Fallacies!

10 Tools For New CFIs

Motivate With “Incremental Mastery!”

Teach Landings With "Centerline Slowflight"

Master "Full Control" Landings

Teach Every Learner Crosswinds!

“CFI Seasoning” Beyond the Academy!

“Reflective Analysis"
Learning From Experience is an Art
Real CFI Learning *Begins* With Temporary!

10 Essential Rules for a New CFI!

Several Great Books on Learning

Bigger/Better Than FOI

Bigger/Better Than FOI

Join SAFE and SAVE!"
Amazing 1/3 OFF ForeFlight!


Easy "Pilot Math!"

Save Immediately!
(Even if you Just Renewed!)

SAFE webpage