Know the "rules of engagement" Read the ACS (pdf)" and work hard to stay calm. You did all these maneuvers to proficiency with your CFI and every applicant starts an FAA evaluation with 100% (you are *already* a pilot when you submit the IACRA application and start any evaluation). A good examiner arrives at the checkride with the assumption that you have all the skill, knowledge and judgment required to pass the test. All errors (and there will be errors: allowed and expected) are only a "mark down." A 70% though undesirable, is still a "pass." Your DPE is required to emphasize: "perfection is not the standard" And don't psych yourself out with self-critical "over-thinking." Be a confident PIC; you got this! TAP THE PHOTO BELOW
for the complete article...
Other Examiner's advice from various websites: