The final authority on all endorsements is the current FAA Advisory Circular [AC 61.65J PDF] Part 141 Graduation Certificates expire after 60 days.
Please write a note to this app (slider on App: "text me") if you discover an error or discrepancy :) Thanks!
All Practical Tests that require a 61.39 "Meta endorsement" (And every endorsement should reference the appropriate CFR; hyperlinked below!)
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received and logged the required flight
time/training of § 61.39(a) in preparation for the practical test within 2 calendar-months
preceding the date of the
test and has satisfactory knowledge of the subject areas in which he/she
was shown to be deficient by the FAA airman knowledge test report. I have determined he/she is
prepared for the (category/class certificate or rating) practical test.
For a failed tests: For a knowledge test, the instructor may complete the endorsement in the space provided at the bottom of the applicant’s airman knowledge test. For another practical test, logged training, a 61.49 endorsement in the logbook, and a new IACRA application are all required!
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the additional (flight and/or ground, as
appropriate) training as required by § 61.49. I have determined that he/she is prepared for the
(name of) knowledge/practical test.
This is not a complete listing of all possible endorsements. Some have not been listed for the simple reason that there is no common practical use for them. I hope this helps! Visit the FAA Flight Test Homepage for complete guidance on flight testing. Final authority on endorsements: [AC 61.65J PDF] Please write a note to this app (last page: "text me") for comments :) Thanks!
New "Non-Expiring" CFI Certificates - The "plastic" is forever, but your CFI Privileges expire (as before) every 24 months!
Private Pilot Student Pilot Solo Endorsements (Plastic certificate)
To apply for plastic student pilot certificate in IACRA, *everyone* authorizing (CFI or DPE) must enter in "role" of "recommending instructor." How to get a student certificate: TAP HERE IACRA Help
Pre-solo aeronautical knowledge: section 61.87(b).
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has satisfactorily completed the pre-solo knowledge test of § 61.87(b) for the [make and model] aircraft.
All the solo endorsements below expire 90 calendar-days from the date the flight training was received.
Pre-solo flight training: section 61.87(c).
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received and logged pre-solo flight training for the maneuvers and procedures that are appropriate to the [make and model] aircraft. I have determined [he or she] has demonstrated satisfactory proficiency and safety on the maneuvers and procedures required by § 61.87 in this or similar make and model of aircraft to be flown.
Pre-solo flight training at night: section 61.87(c) and (o).
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received flight training at night on night flying procedures that include takeoffs, approaches, landings, and go-arounds at night at the [airport name] airport where the solo flight will be conducted; navigation training at night in the vicinity of the [airport name] airport where the solo flight will be conducted.
Solo flight (first 90-day period): § 61.87 (n)
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required training to qualify for solo flying. I have determined [he or she] meets the applicable requirements of § 61.87(n) and is proficient to make solo flights in [make and model].
Solo flight (each additional 90-day period): section 61.87(p).
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required training to qualify for solo flying. I have determined that [he or she] meets the applicable requirements of § 61.87(p) and is proficient to make solo flights in [make and model].
Solo takeoffs and landings at another airport within 25 nm: section 61.93(b)(1).
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required training of
§ 61.93(b)(1). I have determined that [he or she] is proficient to practice solo takeoffs and landings at [airport name]. The takeoffs and landings at [airport name] are subject to the following conditions: [List any applicable conditions or limitations.]
Solo cross-
country flight: §
61.93(c)(1) and 61.93(c)(2).
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required solo cross-country training. I find [he or she] has met the applicable requirements of § 61.93, and is proficient to make solo cross-country flights in a [make and model] aircraft, [aircraft category].
Solo cross-
country flight: §
I have reviewed the cross-country planning of [First name, MI, Last name]. I find the planning and preparation to be correct to make the solo flight from [origination airport] to [origination airport] via [route of flight] with landings at [names of the airports] in a [make and model] aircraft on [date]. [List any applicable conditions or limitations.]
Note: This endorsement may be made by any CFI that checks the required planning but verify the student's solo flight endorsement is current for the make and model aircraft to be flown. (61.93 requirement!) Sensible limitations are a great idea!
Repeated solo cross-country flights not more than 50 nm from the point of departure: section 61.93(b)(2).
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required training in both directions between and at both [airport names]. I have determined that [he or she] is proficient of § 61.93(b)(2) to conduct repeated solo cross-country flights over that route, subject to the following conditions: [List any applicable conditions or limitations.]
Solo flight in Class B airspace: section 61.95(a).
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required training of § 61.95(a). I have determined [he or she] is proficient to conduct solo flights in [name of Class B] airspace. [List any applicable conditions or limitations.]
Solo flight to, from, or at an airport located in Class B airspace: section 61.95(a) and section 91.131(b)(1).
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required training of
§ 61.95(b)(1). I have determined that [he or she] is proficient to conduct solo flight operations at [name of airport]. [List any applicable conditions or limitations.]
Additional Student Pilot Endorsements For Students Seeking Sport Or Recreational Pilot Certificate ⇪
Solo flight in Class B, C, and D airspace: §61.94(a).
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required training of § 61.94(a). I have determined [he or she] is proficient to conduct solo flights in [name of Class B, C, or D] airspace and authorized to operate to, from through and at [name of airport].
[List any applicable conditions or limitations.]
Solo flight to, from, or at an airport located in Class B, C, or D airspace or on an airport having an operational control tower: §§ 61.94(a) and 91.131(b)1.
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required training of § 61.94(a)(1). I have determined that [he or she] is proficient to conduct solo flight operations at [name of airport located in Class B, C, or D airspace or an airport having an operational control tower]. [List any applicable conditions or limitations.]
Private Pilot Test Endorsements ⇪
61.105 (knowldge) 61.107 (flight) 61.39 (3 hr and reviewed incorrect questions per 61.39(a)(6)(iii) IACRA app and Knowldge Test with seal
Ground Time Logged? 61.105 for private. Some examiners want to see this in the logbook 61.105(b)1-13 pdf form for this
Knowledge Test:
Aeronautical knowledge test: sections 61.35(a)(1) and 61.105.
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required training in accordance with § 61.105. I have determined [he or she] is prepared for the [name of] knowledge test.
(Home study course should provide a 61.105 sign-off for knowledge test. If not, a CFI (or AGI) can use above endlrsement after reviewing your work and final exam.)
Flight proficiency/practical test: sections- reference 61.103(f), Log- 61.107(b), and 61.109, 61.39
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required training in accordance with §§ 61.107 and 61.109. I have determined [he or she] is prepared for the [name of] practical test.
Required for all Practical Tests: section 61.39(a)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received and logged training time within
2 calendar
-months preceding the month of application in preparation for the practical test and
he/she is prepared for the required practical test for the issuance of (applicable) certificate.
Note: For a private pilot flight test remember to endorse your applicant for X-C to the test site (and return in case the outcome is unfavorable). The student pilot MUST have all the necessary endorsements to fly as PIC in the plane they are piloting during the test.
Often ignored by CFIs (and admittedly a terrible website!) but lots of useful information here. Multi training course is esp. good. Completion of a WINGS phase can be accomplished in only one flight (three syllabi) and counts as a flight review.DPEs can give FAA WINGS with every check ride (ask for this!) Qualifies for insurance discount on SAFE CFI Insurance! User manual here Endorse a phase of WINGS (you can even win $$):
“I certify that (pilot’s name), holder of pilot certificate No. XXXXX, has satisfactorily demonstrated proficiency in the required tasks as outlined in the WINGS -Pilot Proficiency Program, activitynumberXXX on (date).”Instructor Name, Certificate Number, Expiration Date, and Signature
Comm Pilot Endorsements ⇪
No complex A/C for test now!(still need 10 hrs logged)
Aeronautical knowledge test: section 61.35(a)(1), section 61.123(c), and section 61.125.
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required training of § 61.125. I have determined that [he or she] is prepared for the [name of] knowledge test.
Flight proficiency/practical test: section 61.123(e), section 61.127, and section 61.129.
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required training of §§ 61.127 and 61.129. I have determined that [he or she] is prepared for the [name of] practical test.
Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) Endorsements ⇪
To sort out the confusing pathways to ATPM: [ATP Job Aid: 4 paths] FAA AC 61.139
Certificate: Airplane multiengine
land rating, §61.160.
The [insert institution’s name] certifies that the recipient of this degree has successfully
completed all of the aviation coursework requirements of § 61.160[(b), (c), or (d)] and therefore
meets the academic eligibility requirements of § 61.160[(b), (c),
or (d)]
ATP Certification Training Program (CTP)
: §61.153(e)
The applicant named above has successfully completed the Airline Transport Pilot Certification Training Program as required by § 61.156, and therefore has met the prerequisite required by § 61.35(a)(2) for the Airline Transport Pilot Multiengine Airplane Knowledge Test.
Prerequisites for Practical Tests: section 61.39(a)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received and logged training time within
2 calendar
-months preceding the month of application in preparation for the practical test and
he/she is prepared for the required practical test for the issuance of (applicable) certificate.
Instrument Rating Endorsements ⇪
Knowledge Test:
Aeronautical knowledge test: section 61.35(a)(1) and section 61.65(a) and (b).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required
training of §
61.65(b). I have
determined that he/she is prepared for the
airplane, helicopter, or powered
knowledge test.
Flight Test:
Flight proficiency/practical test: section 61.65(a)6.
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required training of § 61.65(c) and (d). I have determined [he or she] is prepared for the Instrument–[airplane, helicopter, or powered-lift] practical test.
Prerequisites for Practical Tests: section 61.39(a)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received and logged the required flight
time/training of § 61.39(a) in preparation for the practical test within 2 calendar-months
preceding the date of the
test and has satisfactory knowledge of the subject areas in which he/she
was shown to be deficient by the FAA airman knowledge test report. I have determined he/she is
prepared for the Instrument—(airplane, helicopter, or powered
-lift) practical test.
Check to make sure your applicant for an instrument flight test has a current flight review!
Initial Flight Instructor Endorsements ⇪
Note: No complex A/C for test now! No endorsements are required to take the written tests for the flight instructor rating or added CFI ratings.
Flight instructor ground and flight proficiency/practical test: section 61.183(g)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of §
I have determined he/she is prepared for the CFI
—(aircraft category and class) practical test.
/s/ [date] J. J. Jones 987654321CFI Exp. 12-31-19
*Choose appropriate section for insertion: (1) Airplane single-engine (2) Airplane multi-engine (3) Rotorcraft helicopter (4)Rotorcraft gyroplane (5) Powered lift (6) Glider (7) Instrument instructor
Prerequisites for Practical Tests: section 61.39(a)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received and logged training time within
2 calendar
-months preceding the month of application in preparation for the practical test and
he/she is prepared for the required practical test for the issuance of (applicable) certificate.
/s/ [date] J. J. Jones 987654321CFI Exp. 12-31-19
Spin training: section 61.183(i)(1).
certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of §
61.183(i). I have
determined that he/she is competent in instructional skills for training stall awareness, spin entry,
spins, and spin recovery procedures.
/s/ [date] J. J. Jones 987654321CFI Exp. 12-31-19
NOTE: The above spin training endorsement is required of flight instructor applicants for the airplane and glider ratings
Instrument Flight Instructor Endorsements ⇪
Knowledge Test:
Note: No endorsements are required to take the written tests for the flight instructor rating.
Fundamentals of instructing knowledge test: § 61.183(d)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required fundamentals of instruction training of § 61.185(a)(1). I have determined that he/she is prepared for the Fundamentals of Instructing knowledge test.
Flight instructor aeronautical knowledge test: § 61.183(f)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of § 61.185(a)(2) or (3) (as appropriate to the flight instructor rating sought). I have determined that he/she is prepared for the (name of) knowledge test.
Flight instructor ground and flight proficiency/practical test: §61.183(g)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of § 61.187(b). I have determined he/she is prepared for the CFI —(aircraft category and class) practical test.
NOTE: The endorsement for a practical test is required in addition to the § 61.39 endorsements provided in endorsements 1 and 2
Flight instructor certificate with instrument — (category/class) rating/practical test: §§ 61.183(g), 61.187(a) and 61.187(b)(7)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required CFII training of § 61.187(b)(7). I have determined he/she is prepared for the CFII (airplane, helicopter, or powered -lift) practical test.
Spin training: § 61.183(i)(1)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of § 61.183(i). I have determined that he/she is competent in instructional skills for training stall awareness, spin entry, spins, and spin recovery procedures.
NOTE: The above spin training endorsement is required of flight instructor applicants for the airplane and glider ratings
Prerequisites for all Practical Tests: section 61.39(a)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received and logged training time within
2 calendar
-months preceding the month of application in preparation for the practical test and
he/she is prepared for the required practical test for the issuance of (applicable) certificate.
/s/ [date] J. J. Jones 987654321CFI Exp. 12-31-19
Lapsed ground instructor (12 month activity): §
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has demonstrated satisfactory proficiency on the
appropriate ground instructor knowledge and training subjects of § 61.213(a)(3)
Multi Engine Endorsements ⇪
Knowledge Test:
Note: No knowledge test if already rated in power; "class rating"
"Class rating" Flight Test:
Additional Category/Class Rating: section 61.63(b)(c) I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the training as required by section 61.63(b)(c) and find Him/Her proficient to pass the (Private or Commercial) pilot practical test for the Airplane Multi-engine (Land or Sea) rating.
Note: Current solo endorsement and flight review required for practical test.
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the training as required by
§ 61.31(d)(2) to serve as a pilot in command in a [specific category and class] of aircraft. I have determined that [he or she] is prepared to solo that [make and model] aircraft. Limitations: [optional].
Type rating only, already holds the appropriate category or class rating (other thanATP): § 61.63(d)(2).
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required training of § 61.63(d)(2) for an addition of a [name of] type rating.
Prerequisites for all Practical Tests: section 61.39(a)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received and logged training time within
2 calendar
-months preceding the month of application in preparation for the practical test and
he/she is prepared for the required practical test for the issuance of (applicable) certificate.
/s/ [date] J. J. Jones 987654321CFI Exp. 12-31-19
Sport Pilot Solo Instruction Endorsements ⇪
Pre-solo aeronautical knowledge: section 61.87(b).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has satisfactorily completed the pre-solo knowledge exam of section 61.87(b) for the (make and model aircraft).
Pre-solo flight training: section 61.87(c).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required pre-solo training in a (make and model aircraft). I have determined He/She has demonstrated the proficiency of section 61.87 ((d) through (m), as appropriate) and is proficient to make solo flights in (aircraft category*: make and model aircraft).
*Choose appropriate section for insertion: (d) single-engine land (e) multi-engine land (f) helicopter (g) gyroplane(h) powered-lift (i) glider (j) airship (k) balloon (l) powered parachute (m) weight-shift control aircraft
Solo flight (additional 90-day period): section 61.87(n)(2).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training to qualify for solo flying. I have determined He/She meets the applicable requirements of section 61.87(n) and is proficient to make solo flights in (make and model).
Solo takeoffs and landings at another airport within 25 nm: section 61.93(b)(1).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of section 61.93(b)(1). I have determined that He/She is proficient to practice solo takeoffs and landings at (airport name). The takeoffs and landings at (airport name) are subject to the following conditions: (List any applicable conditions or limitations.)
Initial solo cross-country flight training: section 61.93(c)(1).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required solo cross-country training. I find He/She has met the applicable requirements of section 61.93, and is proficient to make solo cross-country flights in a (make and model aircraft).
Solo cross-country flight: section 61.93(c)(2).
I have reviewed the cross-country planning of (First name, MI, Last name). I find the planning and preparation to be correct to make the solo flight from (location) to (destination) via (route of flight) with landings at (name the airports) in a (make and model aircraft) on (date). (List any applicable conditions or limitations.)
Repeated solo cross-country flights not more than 50 nm from the point of departure: section 61.93(b)(2).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training in both directions between and at both (airport names). I have determined that He/She is proficient of section 61.93(b)(2) to conduct repeated solo cross-country flights over that route, subject to the following conditions: (List any applicable conditions or limitations.)
Solo flight in Class B, C, and D airspace: section 61.94(a).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of section 61.94(a) (Include “and section 91.131” if being used for Class B airspace). I have determined He/She is proficient to conduct solo flights in (name of Class B, C, or D) airspace and authorized to operate to, from through and at __________ airport. (List any applicable conditions or limitations.) [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010 NOTE: This endorsement is designed to allow operation at a satellite airport under or within airspace and allow the pilot to transit airspace to and from that airport; it is not intended for use as an endorsement to operate at a primary airport under an airspace. NOTE: Required each additional 90-day period.
Solo flight to, from, or at an airport located in Class B, C, or D airspace or on an airport having an operational control tower: section 61.94(a) and section 91.131(b)(1).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of section 61.94(a)(1) (Include “and section 91.131” if being used for Class B airspace). I have determined that He/She is proficient to conduct solo flight operations at (name of airport) located in Class B, C, or D airspace or on an airport having an operational control tower. (List any applicable conditions or limitations.)
OTE: This endorsement is designed to allow operation at the primary airport under airspace and allow the pilot to transit airspace to and from that airport; it is intended for use as an endorsement to operate at a primary airport within the specific airspace. NOTE: Required each additional 90-day period.
Pre-solo flight training at night: section 61.87(c) and (o).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required pre-solo training in a (make and model aircraft) and determined He/She has demonstrated the proficiency of section 61.87(o) and is proficient to make solo flights at night in a (make and model aircraft).
Sport Pilot Test Endorsements ⇪
Knowledge Test:
Taking aeronautical knowledge test: section 61.35(a)(1) and section 61.309.
Flight Test:
Taking sport pilot practical test: section 61.309, section 61.311, and section 61.313.
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the training required in accordance with section 61.309 and section 61.311 and met the aeronautical experience requirements of section 61.313. I have determined that he/she is prepared for the (type of practical test). [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010
Passing a sport pilot practical test: section 61.309, section 61.311, and section 61.313. NOTE: Required by section 61.317, issued by a designated pilot examiner (DPE).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has met the requirements of section 61.309, section 61.311, and section 61.313, and I have determined Him/Her proficient to act as PIC of (category and class of light sport aircraft) aircraft. [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010
Prerequisites for Practical Tests: section 61.39(a)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the training as required by section 61.39(a)(6)(i) within the preceding two calendar months and have determined that he/she is prepared for the Sport Pilot practical test. [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010
Prerequisites for Practical Tests: section 61.39(a)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has demonstrated satisfactory knowledge of subject areas shown to be deficient on his/her Sport Pilot Airman’s Knowledge Test as required by 61.39(a)(6)(iii). [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010
Other Sport Pilot Endorsements ⇪
Taking flight proficiency check for different category or class of aircraft: section 61.309 and section 61.311.
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training required in accordance with sections 61.309 and 61.311 and have determined that he/she is prepared for the (name the proficiency check). [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010
Passing flight proficiency check for different category or class of aircraft: section 61.309 and section 61.311.
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has met the requirements of sections 61.309 and 61.311 and I have determined him/her proficient to act as PIC of (category and class) of light-sport aircraft. [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010
Flight proficiency in same category and class within a different make and model of aircraft: section 61.323.
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of section 61.323 in (make and model aircraft) and have determined him/her proficient to act as PIC of that light-sport aircraft. [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010
Class B, C, or D airspace, at an airport located in Class B, C, or D airspace, or to, from, through, or on an airport having an operational control tower: section 61.325.
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of section 61.325. I have determined He/She is proficient to conduct operations in (List category of airspace approved, Class B, C, and/or D) airspace, at an airport located in Class B, C, or D airspace, or to, from, through, or on an airport having an operational control tower. [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010
Light-sport aircraft that has a VH greater than 87 knots CAS: section 61.327.
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training required in accordance with section 61.327 in a (make and model aircraft). I have determined Him/Her proficient to act as PIC of a light-sport aircraft that has a VH greater than 87 knots (kts) CAS. [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010
Flight Instructor with Sport Pilot Rating Endorsements ⇪
Knowledge Test:
Taking the fundamentals of instructing knowledge test: section 61.405(a)(1).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training in accordance with section 61.405(a)(1). I have determined that He/She is prepared for the Fundamentals of Instruction Knowledge Test. [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010
Taking sport pilot flight instructor aeronautical knowledge test: section 61.35(a) (1) and section 61.405(a).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of section 61.405(a)(2). I have determined that He/She is prepared for the Sport Pilot Knowledge Test. [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010
Flight Test:
Taking the flight instructor flight proficiency check to provide training if a different category or class of aircraft (additional category/class): section 61.419 and section 61.409.
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training in accordance with section 61.419 and section 61.409 and have determined He/She is prepared for a proficiency check for the flight instructor with a sport pilot rating in a (aircraft category and class). [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010
Passing the flight instructor flight proficiency check to provide training in a different category or class of aircraft (additional category/class): section 61.419 and section 61.409.
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has met the requirements in accordance with section 61.419 and section 61.409. I have determined that He/She is proficient and authorized for the additional (aircraft category and class) flight instructor privilege. [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010
Taking the flight instructor practical test: section 61.409 and section 61.411.
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of section 61.409 and met the aeronautical experience requirements of section 61.411. I have determined He/She is prepared for the flight instructor with a sport pilot rating practical test in a (aircraft category and class). [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010
Passing the flight instructor practical test: section 61.409 and section 61.411. NOTE: Required by section 61.417, issued by a DPE.
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has met the requirements in accordance with section 61.409 and section 61.411. I have determined that He/She is proficient and authorized for the (aircraft category and class) flight instructor privilege. [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010
Prerequisites for Practical Tests: section 61.39(a)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the training as required by section 61.39(a)(6)(i) within the preceding two calendar months and have determined that he/she is prepared for the Sport Pilot Instructor practical test. [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010
Prerequisites for Practical Tests: section 61.39(a)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has demonstrated satisfactory knowledge of subject areas shown to be deficient on his/her Sport Pilot Instructor and Fundamentals of Instructing Airman’s Knowledge Tests as required by 61.39(a)(6)(iii). [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010
Spin training: section 61.405(b)(1)(ii).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of section 61.405(b)(1)(ii). I have determined that He/She is competent and possess instructional proficiency in stall awareness, spin entry, spins, and spin recovery procedures. [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010 NOTE: This spin training endorsement is only required of flight instructor applicants for the airplane and glider ratings.
Sport pilot instructor to train sport pilots on flight by reference to instruments:§ 61.412.
This (new) endorsement from an instructor certificated under part 61 subpart H to a flight instructor with a sport pilot rating (part 61 subpart K) authorizes the part 61 subpart K instructor to train sport pilot candidates on control and maneuvering an airplane solely by reference to the instruments.
I certify that I have given [First name, MI, Last name] 3 hours of flight training and 1 hour of ground instruction specific to providing flight training on control and maneuvering an airplane solely by reference to the instruments in accordance with § 61.412. I have determined that [he or she] is proficient and authorized to provide training on control and maneuvering an airplane solely by reference to the flight instruments to this instructor’s sport pilot candidate, who intends to operate an LSA airplane with a VH greater than 87 KCAS on a cross-country flight.
Ground Instructor Endorsement
Ground instructor who does not meet the recent experience requirements: section 61.217(b).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has demonstrated satisfactory proficiency on the appropriate ground instructor knowledge and training subjects of section 61.213(a)(3) and (a)(4). [DATE] Instructor Name, 1234567CFI, Exp. 12/31/2010 NOTE: Signed by CFI or CGI, as appropriate; the expiration date would apply only to a CFI.
Pilot Endorsements ⇪
Knowledge Test:
Aeronautical knowledge test: section 61.35(a)(1), section 61.96(b)(3), and section 61.97(b).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of section 61.97(b) 1-12. I have determined that He/She is prepared for the Recreational Pilot Knowledge test.
Flight Test:
Flight proficiency/practical test: section 61.96(b)(5), section 61.98(a) and (b), and section 61.99.
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of section 61.98(b)1 and section 61.99. I have determined that He/She is prepared for the Recreational Pilot Practical test.
Prerequisites for Practical Tests: section 61.39(a)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the training as required by section 61.39(a)(6)(i) within the preceding two calendar months and have determined that he/she is prepared for the Recreational Pilot practical test.
Prerequisites for Practical Tests: section 61.39(a)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has demonstrated satisfactory knowledge of subject areas shown to be deficient on his/her Recreational Pilot Airman’s Knowledge Test as required by 61.39(a)(6)(iii).
Other Recreational Pilot Endorsements ⇪
Recreational pilot to operate within 50 nm of the airport where training was received: section 61.101(b).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of section 61.101(b). I have determined He/She is competent to operate at the (name of airport).
Recreational pilot to act as PIC on a flight that exceeds 50 nm of the departure airport: section 61.101(c).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required cross-country training of section 61.101(c). I have determined that He/She is proficient in cross-country flying of part 61, subpart E.
Recreational pilot with less than 400 flight hours and not logged PIC time within the preceding 180 days: section 61.101(g).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required 180-day recurrent training of section 61.101(g) in a (make and model aircraft). I have determined Him/Her proficient to act as PIC of that aircraft.
Recreational pilot to conduct solo flights for the purpose of obtaining an additional certificate or rating while under the supervision of an authorized flight instructor: section 61.101(i).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of section 61.87 in a (make and model aircraft). I have determined He/She is prepared to conduct a solo flight on (date) under the following conditions: (List all conditions which require endorsement, e.g., flight which requires communication with air traffic control, flight in an aircraft for which the pilot does not hold a category/class rating, etc.)
Class B, C, or D airspace, at an airport located in Class B, C, or D airspace, or to, from, through, or on an airport having an operational control tower: section 61.101(d).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of section 61.101(d). I have determined He/She is proficient to conduct operations in Class B, C, or D airspace, at an airport located in Class B, C, or D airspace, or to, from, through, or on an airport having an operational control tower.
Other Endorsements ⇪
TSA Citizenship Verification Endorsement [AOPA]
I certify that
(First name, MI, Last name) has presented me a [insert type of document presented,
such as a U.S. birth certificate or U.S. passport, and the relevant control or sequential number on
the document, if any] establishing that [he or she] is a U.S. citizen or national in accordance with
49 CFR § 1552.3(h).
Non-Citizen Process for Training (Not required for BFR/IPC) (Takes time, fingerprints and $$)
Completion of a flight review: 61.56(a) and (c).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name), (
grade of
pilot certificate), (certificate number), has
satisfactorily completed a flight review of §
61.56(a) on (date).
/s/ [date] J. J. Jones 987654321CFI Exp. 12-31-19
No logbook entry reflecting unsatisfactory performance on a flight
review is required.
Completion of an instrument proficiency check: 61.57(d).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name), (
grade of
pilot certificate), (ce
rtificate number), has
satisfactorily completed the instrument proficiency check of §
61.57(d) in a (list make and model
of aircraft) on (date).
No logbook entry reflecting unsatisfactory performance on an
instrument proficiency check is required
To act as PIC in a complex airplane: section 61.31(e).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name), (
grade of
pilot certificate), (certificate number), has
received the required training of §
61.31(e) in a (make and model of complex airplane). I have
determined that he/she is proficient in the operation and systems of a complex airplane.
To act as PIC in a high performance airplane: section 61.31(f).
I certify that (First
name, MI, Last name), (
grade of
pilot certificate), (certificate number), has
received the required training of §
61.31(f) in a (make and model of high performance airplane).
I have determined that he/she is proficient in the operation and systems of a hi
gh performance
To act as PIC in a pressurized aircraft capable of high altitude operations: section 61.31(g).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name), (
grade of
pilot certificate), (certificate n
umber), has
received the required training of §
61.31(g) in a (make and model of pressurized aircraft). I have
determined that he/she is proficient in the operation and systems of a pressurized aircraft.
To act as PIC in a tailwheel airplane: section 61.31(i).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name), (
grade of
pilot certificate), (certificate number), has
received the required training of §
61.31(i) in a (make and model of tailwheel airplane). I have
ined that he/she is proficient in the operation of a tailwheel airplane.
To act as PIC of an aircraft in solo operations when the pilot does not hold an appropriate category/class rating: section 61.31(d)(2).
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the training as required by §
to serve as a PIC in a (specific category and class of aircraft). I have determined that he/she is
prepared to serve as PIC in that (make and model
) aircraft
. Limitations: (optional).
Retesting after failure of a knowledge or practical test: section 61.49.
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the additional (flight and/or ground, as
appropriate) training as required by § 61.49. I have determined that he/she is prepared for the
(name of) knowledge/practical test.
NOTE: In the case of a failed knowledge test, the instructor may complete the endorsement in the space provided at the bottom of the applicant’s airman knowledge test. For another practical test, logged training, a 61.49 endorsement in the logbook, and a new IACRA application are required!
Review of a home study curriculum: §
I certify I have reviewed the home study curriculum of (First name, MI, Last name). I have
determined he/she is prepared for the (name of) knowledge test.